Sunday, January 11, 2009

So often, I hear with a tsk, tsk, tsk that my kids do too much! I never stop running! "Oh, thats too much!" I hear! I wrack my brain trying to figure out what I am doing wrong because I feel my job is my children. God has blessed me with 4 beautiful & talented children. It took me a year & a half to get pregnant with my first child. Surgery & many many crying sessions doubting that it would happen. It took me another 4 years to figure out how to turn the faucet off! & then a surprise happened! I am blessed! They are good kids who love one another, they love their family, they love their dont hear that very often. They love God. I can see him working in their lives everyday. My almost teenager is happiest & I mean bouncing off the walls on Wednesdays when he gets out of church. Smiling, TALKING!!!! He cant get the words out of his mouth fast enough! UM, can he go to church EVERY night? Yes, I said he was talking! God has given them talents that I do not understand. I simply am not athletic. I still trip on my own feet. I try to JOG around & WORK OUT with the kids. Unless I ducktape the upper region of my body to my body, I could seriously get hurt! I really did not get to do these things when I went to school. I want to watch them meet the goals that they set or be there of course if they dont. (You know the life savers commercial! With the Dad & his son after the basketball game! I will have life savers!) I want them to not be afraid to try new things. I always was a chicken!!!! I want them to have confidence and truly believe that through God, all things are possible. & I am truly thankful that they arent sit in front of the tv type of kids or play endless hours of video games. Although we are all addicted to wii fit (but we are doing it as a family)...I am the hula hoop champ!!!!!!!! I have become the ultimate sports fan. Baseball, soccer, basketball, golf, cheer, and a dance fan! & yes cheer & dance are sports! Have you seen that girls legs? Oh & did I mention that their grades are straight A's, A' & B's, & very goods! So, yes I am crazy, yes I am tired, yes, I have over 140,000 miles on my almost 5 year old car & yes I have a cluttered house! But I am also a very proud, in love Mommy who will get up tomorrow & figure out how I will make it to the 1st basketball game of the season & get the girl to dance at the same time on 2 different sides of town! While I am nursing the baby & listening to the 3rd grader read. I will fill up that car with gas for the 3rd time this week while I practice my hula hoop technique! (Hey those kids had to get something from me! & my name should be on the top of one of those lists!!!!!!) All I ask is for noone to show them the lacrosse flyer that BLD had the other day, Andrew said that he always liked lacrosse..... :)


nini said...

Holy mama! As mom's our schedules are nuts! You just do what you can and always do right by your family! Who cares what others think! You are a rock star!

Melissa said...

I am impressed (not at all appalled). Don't you think when you look back someday, the likely hood of you saying "gee, I wish the kids had not gotten to do all that fun stuff" is pretty slim? No way! You and the kids will look back on it as crazy, busy, FUN, life! You know your kids and you know their one else can claim that. Rock on super mom!

Kim said...

They grow up very fast and you will not be sorry for any time you spent with them, encouraging them and being their cheerleader. Seize the day!

Denise K. said...

Hi there!

It has been so long since I have stopped by!!!! It was good to get all caught up on "Kimi's Korner!"

I'm so glad you are taking time this year to pursue all that you are interested in, and find yourself in the process! Raising kids is such an important job, and so all consuming, that it is wonderful to take some time for YOU!!

Live life fully today, and savor every moment Kimi!

With love from Colorado,