Wednesday, December 3, 2008


I am exhausted! I dont have enough words to describe it. Emma hasn't been sleeping very soundly at night this week! (She snores just fine during the day!!!) Therefore, neither have I!!! After she has woken me up for the 15th time, I just physically cannot go back to sleep. So...I toss & turn, I think, & think & think. My brain just wont shut up!!!! I have planned everything that I can think of between today & 2010! I have made my to do list for the following week over & over. Unfortunately...the following day I am so tired, I get nothing done on the list that I spent all night making in my mind!!!!!!!!! BRING ON CHRISTMAS VACATION!


nini said...

Sleep is an elusive thing around here too - especially for the mama! With the tag-team puking thing going on - I haven't had a good night's sleep in WAY too long! Glad you don't have that element added to your non-restful nights! It is NO fun!

Denise K. said...

Hi there! Just checking in from Colorado and hoping that sleep has once again returned to your household! Hang in there and enjoy the holiday season! :-)

Denise K. said...

Hi again...just checking in, and hoping that things have settled down after the holidays season. I know that feeling of thoughts swirling around in your head in the middle of the night. Start keeping a notepad on your nightstand, that way you can write down the items on your "to do" list. I find it lets my brain, "let go" so that you can sleep once again! Hang in there! May the new year bring you all good health, happiness, and peace! Many blessings to you in 2009!