Saturday, October 11, 2008


BREAKTHROUGH! We officially have 2 new teeth on the beautiful 15 month old! Only 2 more to go! I still feel like I am under house arrest. She doesn't want me to do anything other than sit in the chair. She can get up & do what she needs but doesnt like me to! Honestly I am so tired of the squeeling that I am just sitting in this chair!!!! I've got to get mommy points for this! & the hugs & snuggles are priceless. Laundry and dishes will be there later! & I only have to use the bathroom every few hours. I think the other kids are liking the fact that I have watched college football, nascar, & played Wii with them (Yes while sitting down, & I even won a few!!) So God bless the molars!


Denise K. said...

SO happy to hear that the molars are in! Yippee!

Oh the joys or parenting of many! You know, when I am at the end of my rope with parenting challenges, I just try to remember that one day, this moment will be a long time ago. Although knowing that helps, it doesn't take away the exhaustion you feel on a day to day basis when you are "in the trenches" with a little one.

I highly recommend not being afraid to ask for help. Even just getting out to browse up and down the aisles at Target slowly, quietly, ALONE (hee hee)can do wonders for your sanity! I know...I've been there, I've been at the end of my rope, and I ALWAYS felt better after I got out for awhile...even to just go sit in the car! :-)

Hang in there! You're doing a fantastic job Mama!

Melissa said...

Oh, Kimi, I am SO with you! As you know Collin has been having the same tough time! Glad to hear that those teeth have made it through. Emma is such a little sweetie, it's always hard to see our little ones suffer. You are an awesome mamma, never forget it! Love you!